SOUTH AFRICA – A Witbank resident’s two bicycles and equipment were stolen, and as if the theft itself was not enough, his three dogs and a cat were poisoned.
As he spoke, Danie Kruger’s his eyes were welling up with tears when he remembers what happened to his lovely pets, Witbank News reports.
“What a bad way to start a weekend,” stated a heavyhearted Kruger.
His two bicycles and equipment were all stolen, and as if that was not enough, his three dogs and a cat were poisoned.
When Kruger and his wife went to sleep the previous night, everything was fine. The setup in the house situated on Fleur Avenue is that a brown dog, white and brown dog and a black cat a;; sleep inside the house, while the big black and brown dog sleeps outside.
On the day of the incident at around 3.30am the dogs that sleep in the house went out like they normally do and the alarm went off.
However, what triggered Kruger was that the small dogs were barking a lot more loudly than normal. He ignored it the first time, but the second time when the barking increased he told his wife that he was going outside to check if there was anything wrong. He saw that the security light was off, and when he looked to his left he caught sight of two men, one jumping his wall and the other suspect further down the road.
When further inspecting he noticed that one of the garage doors was half-open. And just then and there, he knew something was wrong.
“I immediately shouted to my wife to press the panic button,” Kruger stated.
Within a quick blink of an eye, Chubb Security Guard Service was at his yard to assist him. He alleges that as he was waiting for the alarm company, he noticed that two bicycles had been stolen that belonged to him and his wife. A grinder, grill machine and some other various tools which he says could amount to $2,000 were also missing. He further made allegations that he tried numerous times to get hold of the police, to no success. As soon as the security guards arrived they were the ones that were able to get hold of the police.
“What shocked me even further is that when police arrived they refused to come out and inspect my yard. They were seated in the car the whole time,” Kruger stated.
According to the man, he claims that the police allege that they saw three suspects down the road.
“My concern was that what if some of the suspects were still inside the yard. They could have hurt me and my wife. The security company was more useful than the police. They were extremely useless,” continued a disappointed Kruger.
Police spokesperson Captain Eddie Hall claimed that he cannot give any comments on the alleged misconduct. The complainant must come to the police station in order to open an official complaint against the police members.
After poisoning the three dogs and cat, the suspects opened one of the garage doors where two bicycles and some equipment were stolen.
“It will be investigated, and if there was any misconduct by members they will be dealt with according to the SAPS disciplinary procedures,” Hall stated.
Luckily assets such as four bikes, an industrial machine, trailer with fishing equipment, and spanners were not stolen.
“I suspect they used a poison called two-step to kill our pets. Our children do not live with us anymore so it is just me, my wife and our pets and now that they are no more I do not know what will happen,” a sad Kruger concluded.