When Kasey Boggs and her husband came back home from a hospital holding a newborn baby in their arms, they received the warmest welcome from four rescue dogs and a cat they own. “When we brought Sonny home, I felt like they were expecting him,” Boggs told Bored Panda. “From the minute we have brought Sonny home, they have respected him and showed him their animal love as to one of their own.” Interestingly, each of the family pets has their own unique way of demonstrating affection towards their human sibling.

Mia the cat is always at a short distance from Sonny and likes to make sure he’s safe. Roxy, the first of adorable pets that the family adopted loves to take naps with his human brother. “I think Sonny has impacted Roxy the most out of all his animal friends,” Boggs said. “[She] has experienced a lot of big milestones with me, right by my side. She knows how important this one is and really shows that.”

Edith and Rosie the pooches are on constant cry patrol, whereas Jake, who is the only male in the family members pack (apart from baby boy Sonny), sees himself in a role of a big brother and is irreplaceable when it comes to assisting the diaper-changing mission.

“They understand how gentle they have to be around our tiny baby and their affection is the epitome of what every child should grow up surrounded with,” Boggs said.