A resourceful stray cat pilfers belongings from neighborhood residents, gathering items for her playful kitten to enjoy.
Balls, stuffed animals or other small toys are objects that stray cats do not know. Born on the street, the cat Renly had never had one available. On the other hand, she quickly understood that her kitten loved to have fun with it and managed to find some for him.

There are kleptomaniac cats like Harry , or even Gingee , who can’t help but steal everything they find from their neighbors. Like her two peers, the cat Renly steals many things that do not belong to her. But unlike them, she doesn’t do it for her own pleasure. She brings all her loot to her kitten in order to make him play.
For several weeks in Martinsville , Indiana ( United States ), residents of a neighborhood have seen some of their businesses disappear . Pet toys disappear, pairs of socks are missing… It is certain that a thief is active in the area. Fortunately, someone managed to trace him.
An outlaw feline who would be forgiven for everything
Chasica Waite suspected a gray furball named Renly as the culprit. This one, whose age is estimated at 3 years, has neither house nor owner. She has always lived outdoors, and like many stray cats, she has already become pregnant. Chasica also crossed her with a young feline, probably her kitten. He is Renly ‘s only little one and Renly spoils him as best she can.
By following the feline more closely, Chasica noticed that she was leaving a multitude of little things behind her. She discovered underwear in the dirt, a small feline mouse and even a donut-shaped toy among the foliage. As she continued her investigation, she understood that the cat was stealing other people’s things to give them to her baby.
A great mobilization around the family
Chasica shared her discovery in a video on TikTok . His publication, relayed by Newsweek , was viewed 6.8 million times. Internet users were touched by this mother cat who, like all loving mothers in the world, tried to provide for the needs of her offspring with her own means. Some suggested Chasica drop the family off at the shelter, something she had previously tried to do. However, as they were crowded, no one wanted to collect it.
Users of the platform then offered to provide him with cat food or toys. Chasica was extremely touched by these gestures. She eventually created an online fundraiser to fund a Capture-Sterilize-Return (TNR) program in her city. This will allow stray cats like Chasica to no longer breed, and thus reduce the population of cats on the street. A lot of suffering can be avoided, because life outside is very harsh.