In the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant, a desperate cat relentlessly attempts to leap into every passing car, yearning for assistance and a chance at a better life.
Abandoned by his owners, this cat had no desire to continue living on the street. He knew that if he got into a car, he would have a chance of finding a new home. So he was willing to try his luck as many times as necessary.

A ginger cat now named Seats was wandering the parking lot of a McDonald’s restaurant when Alex da Ponte spotted him. The feline wore a collar, which showed that it had or had had an owner. And he was behaving strangely. As cars opened their windows to order takeout food, Seats tried to jump inside. But all the people were pushing him away so he wouldn’t get into their vehicle. This did not slow down the little cat, who tried his luck again with each new car.
Seeing this, Alex decided to intervene. “ From the parking lot, I saw two other families trying to avoid the cat as they were walking back to their car… That’s when I decided to catch it. No one else was helping him and he clearly needed help. He was desperate to get into a car ,” Alex told The Dodo .
Alex had no trouble catching the cat. He was just waiting for that. Once in the car, he finally looked happy and relaxed. He had achieved his goal.

Alex ‘s son chose the name Seats himself . But first we had to check if it had an owner.
Alex and his son had become attached to Seats , but they already had several animals at home. So they asked one of their neighbors to kindly keep him as a foster family until someone adopted him permanently. The neighbor agreed, and did much more than that.

“ They literally fell for his demonstrative and affectionate character and adopted him. So Seats is now our neighbor ,” rejoiced Alex .
As for the red feline, he did very well. Thanks to her tenacity, it didn’t take long before she found a new loving family.