When this poor baby was finally rescued, he was so sickly that he hardly resembled a dog, writes ilovemydogsomuch The vet staff gave the dog blood transfusions and I.V. nutrition. His body was sorely lacking essential nutrients as well as iron. His rescuer knew that his condition was far from stable, and remained at his […]
Dog New
Guided by Unbreakable Bond: Blind Staffie Finds a Guide in His Forever Friend, Heartwarming Tale of Friendship.
While volunteering at her local animal rescue center, Jess Martin Fell crazy with an adorable Staffordshire named Amos that was born blind. When she heard that he was having some trouble finding his forever family, she immediately opened her home to the timid pup. What originally began as a short lived family for Amos, became […]
Tears of Longing: The Crying Dog Longs for Love as Potential Adopters Pass It By, Emotionally Tugging at Heartstrings.
It’s a too touching story, we can say of course. His photos show the hard reality in which we live, each one of us. Shelter shared the photo of a crying dog, in real tears while no potential adopter chooses it. HPHS staff have always devoted their lives to helping rescue dogs and unwanted stray […]
From Shelter to Forever Home: Dog, After 2,555 Days, Finally Finds Love, a Tale of Hope and Resilience.
Finally a Forever Home Although she wasn’t planning to adopt a new pup, seeing Flip’s photo was a deal breaker. Promoted content BRAINBERRIES Disney’s Live-Action Simba Was Based On The Cutest Lion Cub Ever LEARN MORE Promoted content BRAINBERRIES From Albinos To Polygamists: The World’s Most Unique Families LEARN MORE “Flip…melted my heart, and […]
Unlikely Savior: Fearful Old Lady Finds Courage in Her Neighbor’s Pitbull, Forever Grateful for Rescuing Her Life.
Dogs of the popular pitbull breed had mixed reactions. Thanks to the media, they are widely considered “fighting dogs” and dangerous for the people around them. This is why people often try to avoid these dogs, and an elderly woman from Sweden was no exception to the rule. Every time she saw the pitbull Simba […]