Men are driving the rise in cats with almost an entire quarter replacing man’s best friend with a feline, new research reveals. The number of pet cats in the UK has gone up by 500,000 to reach eight million in the past year. Research performed by the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association says the rise was […]
Dog New
Dog Abandoned With Her Litter of 15 Puppies Finds The ‘Purr-fect Person’ To Help Them
We’re sure you remember Syria’s ‘cat man of Aleppo’, who is also known as Alaa – a guy who became famous for saving animals throughout the war in Syria! He’s the man who stayed with them until the very last second he had to flee for his life? Well, having spent a few months in […]
Dog, Cat And Rat Who Tightly Bonded At A Shelter Could Not Stand To …
Dogs, cats and rats wouldn’t normally be in each other’s company, one such example is the famed cartoon “Tom & Jerry”, where the characters most certainly do not get along most of the time. Not for this shelter though! This threesome was brought to in early March. Look at how calm Jack, the cat and […]
This Rescue Kitten Gets Adopted by the Family Dog – And Now …
Loki was mere tabby kitten when he was adopted by his forever family. Quite understandably, the little boy was extremely shy and clung to his human parent for comfort. However, when Loki was first introduced to the family dog, whose name is Okami, the kitten was immediately accepted by his new Pomeranian best friend – […]
Dog Who Was Abandoned And Torn Away From Her Puppies Gets The Happiest Ending To Her …
Esperanza was just one year old when she was cruelly abandoned at a shelter in Mexico back in 2010. The little dog had just given birth and unfortunately, volunteers were left with no indication as to what happened to her babies. However, the heartbroken mother has since found some comfort when a litter of kittens […]