Take a look at this cat. While it is so obviously different than its brothers, the loving kitty living with a pack of Shiba Inus certainly doesn’t realize it. The Japanese couple who owns the Shibas also wanted a cat. After a couple of years of delaying the decision, they finally adopted one excited to […]
Dog New
Funny Reactions of Dogs Catching Cats Sleeping in Their Beds
We all know that cats can be a bit of a**holes sometimes. Especially when they live with a dog. They might not be able to hurt it physically, but they will surely mess with it emotionally. There have been plenty of funny videos where cats have clearly overtaken dogs’ beds. We already know that they […]
Couple Intends to Rehome Cat, but Devoted Dog Refuses to Let Her Go
The Journey of Lily the Kitten and Her Siblings Lily, a 3-month-old kitten, was discovered alongside her siblings and brought to a compassionate couple in Los Angeles. They took in the feline family, providing care and helping them find their forever homes. As each kitten was adopted, Lily was left on her own, still hoping […]
Couple Intends to Rehome Cat, but Devoted Dog Refuses to Let Her Go
The Journey of Lily the Kitten and Her Siblings Lily, a 3-month-old kitten, was discovered alongside her siblings and brought to a compassionate couple in Los Angeles. They took in the feline family, providing care and helping them find their forever homes. As each kitten was adopted, Lily was left on her own, still hoping […]
A rescued cat without front paws overcomes hurdles as he steals a woman’s heart, transforming her life with his indomitable spirit.
A red-haired kitten was discovered in poor health on the streets. It was carefully handled by a nearby neighbor, who sent it to the Humane Society of Arizona. These rescues have worked with a variety of animals throughout the years, but the moment they spotted the tiny redhead, they knew it was something special. The […]