Little Soap Company The award-winning Little Soap Company’s Organic Little Beast range is perfect for grooming our four-leggedfriends! Fragranced with pure lavender essential oil (known to have a calming effect on pets and naturally repel fleas) as well as moisturising apricot kernel oil. Choose between liquid or bar shampoo, both great for spot-cleaning and bath […]
Dog New
Watch: new documentary to follow the homeless and their dogs
Acclaimed UK filmmaker Paul Sng is teaming up with musician and radio presenter to explore the lives of the homeless community and their dogs in a new documentary, Dogs On The Streets. Where would we be without man’s best friend? For those who are homeless, their canine companion will often be the most important thing in […]
Dangerous Dogs Act: 28 years of injustice
Police line up wall, with three over head lights. Today (12 August) marks 28 years since the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 was introduced. A poorly thought-out and deeply flawed piece of legislation, in its Section 1 it prohibits the owning, breeding, selling, advertising or rehoming of four types of dogs: Pit bull terrier, Japanese tosa, Fila […]
Flawed microchip system fails stolen dogs –
Just after Christmas last year the Bell family’s world fell apart. Border terriers Ruby and Beetle, their treasured family pets, After a frantic but unsuccessful local search, an was started to reunite Georgie and Ed Bell with their beloved family pets. Yet eight months later, despite attracting nearly 10,000 followers, they still aren’t any closer […]
World Rabies Day: help Mayhew vaccinate 10,000 dogs
Ahead of World Rabies Day tomorrow (28 September), Mayhew International is hoping to hit their target of £10,000 for a campaign to vaccinate 10,000 dogs against rabies in Kabul, Afghanistan. the charity is looking to raise a further £5,000 by this Saturday so they can reach their target, which they set at the beginning of […]