I am writing to let you know what magazine has done for four of our disabled rescue dogs.
I live in the UK, but I volunteer for , based in Cluj, Romania. Last year I visited them in Romania and became even more dedicated to help volunteer for them. I even ended up bringing home my very own dog from them. I help Sirius with fundraising, awareness, twitter, and dog/cat adoptions to the UK.
One day, I sat down reading your magazine, and read The article was about the founder Victoria Bryceson and how she had set up after rescuing her own disabled dog, and her vision to build the UK’s first rehabilitation centre.
This article made me think of two special dogs I met in Romania. Both dogs had been hit by a car and left to die (a common occurrence in Romania). Sirius Animal Rescue took them in, had them scanned and treated at the vets, but unfortunately both dogs were disabled after their serious injuries.

Sirius decided they would be “forever Sirius” dogs and they would look after them for all of their life and give them the best life they could in these sad circumstances. Buchanan had to have one back leg amputated, and the other back leg was ruined so much, his knee didn’t work.
After reading your article, I decided to send a message to Miracle’s Mission about these two disabled boys and ask if there was anything they could do to help them. After all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! What’s the worst they could say?
To my surprise, Victoria responded to me, and asked me questions about the two boys. We shared with her their stories, their x-rays and all treatment details. To my complete amazement, and through so many happy tears, Miracle’s Mission offered to help the two boys in the UK with rehabilitation and eventual rehoming!
I couldn’t believe it – one message after reading this article in your magazine had changed these two dogs’ lives forever, it showed the power of the influence of a magazine article.
Fast forward a few months, we raised the funds to enable Paddy and Buchanan to travel together (one kind supporter paid for both their ‘happy bus’ tickets). Both dogs were provided hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy by Miracle’s Mission. Buchanan has found the perfect forever home, and is now adopted; Paddy is still undergoing his rehabilitation and has his very own wheelchair, and is walking so much better.
Since then, the dream got even better! Pete, a 9-year-old boy with arthritis – another “forever Sirius” dog – was offered a place in foster by them. He is currently living in foster with Paddy! Finally, our 6-year-old, two-legged Jeanie also then got offered a foster place, and chance of a prosthetic leg by Miracle’s Mission – she travels this week.
They have now given four of our “Forever Sirius” dogs the chance of a lifetime, one that we never believed possible. This was all down to reading one article on Dogs Today magazine!